
Discover the nature of Geopark Vysočina

You can receive all brochures in the information center on Telč Square.

Živočichové geoparku Vysočina
Rostliny geoparku Vysočina
Horniny geoparku Vysočina

Discover the secrets of stone buildings in Telč

How warm was the magma that made our granite?

What determines the colour of granite?

The answers to these and 26 other questions can be found in the brochure City and Stone, which focuses on the use of local granite for constructions of Telč.

Město a kámen - Telč - Geopark Vysočina


Are you going to the countryside around Telč with your children? Download worksheets. You will find questions you can try to answer already at home and practical tasks for your trip.

Pracovní listy Geopark Vysočina 5. třída
Pracovní listy Geopark Vysočina 9. třída